When I was a sophomore in college, I learned how to tackle for the first time. A veteran on Western Washington University’s Women’s rugby team coached me through correct body positioning, safety and using my power to bring someone to the ground. I had a feeling that I would like tackling people, but was surprised by the camaraderie and compassion that I felt at my first rugby practice. It wasn’t only about tackling your opponent to the ground, it was also about helping them get back up.
I was hooked.
Rugby was a huge part of my college life. I played for Western three out of my four years at the university. I juggled the demands of school, work and the sport, and made sacrifices to show up to practice regularly. Despite its positive impact, I stopped playing rugby after graduating.
When sports abruptly end for people, it leaves a void, said Joel Weisser, the head coach of the Chuckanut Bay Geoducks, an adult men’s rugby team based in Whatcom County. Even as adults, we crave the healthy activity and community associated with sports.
In 2022, the Chuckanut’s Women’s+ team, the Chuckanut Mussels, was revived from a several-year hiatus. For two years following the revitalization of the Mussels, I went to practices now and again without committing to join the team. At the time, I couldn’t identify why I was caught in this limbo — unable to commit, while still feeling the need to keep tabs on the team. I reasoned it away with not having enough time. I couldn’t see rugby fitting into my already full schedule of working full time, maintaining my relationship and my social calendar.